How Long Does it Take to Recover From Endodontic Surgery?

No two people are the same, and therefore recovery times from endodontic surgeries may vary from person to person. However, after two weeks of endodontic surgery, most people will be free of pain, tenderness, or swelling. That said, because the surgery does involve the jaw, complete healing may take a few months. Your unique recovery time may also depend upon the type of procedure you have performed and how well you follow your post-surgery instructions. Here’s what to expect if you need endodontic surgery.
Why is Endodontic Surgery Done?
Surgery is always a last resort, so endodontic surgery will only be performed if non-surgical treatments are unable to treat your condition. For example, if a root canal does not alleviate pain or infection, it may be due to a problem with the tip of the root, which must be removed.
In other cases, a cracked tooth may not be able to be saved with a root canal and a dental crown and will require surgery to treat. In rare cases, endodontic surgery may be needed if the tissues surrounding the root begin to resorb the tooth’s root.
Types of Endodontic Surgeries
The overarching goal of endodontic surgeries is to prevent the loss of teeth. However, each type of surgery has specific goals.
An apicoectomy is also called apical surgery. This type of endodontic surgery is performed to remove the tip of an irritated or inflamed tooth root. During this surgery, any surrounding soft tissue that is also inflamed or irritated will be removed.
Root Resorption
During a root resorption surgery, your endodontist will expose the areas of the root being affected, and remove the tissue that is resorbing the root. Surgery for root resorption may also include a root canal.
Teeth that have cracked in a root may be saved through an endodontic surgery known as a hemisection or root amputation. This surgery removes the injured section of the tooth and a proportionate part of the root. You may need a hemisection or root amputation if:
- A molar has developed a vertical fracture due to trauma or decay
- You’ve lost a significant amount of jawbone, and the stability of the tooth is in jeopardy
- The pulp chamber floor inside the tooth has been perforated
- A root canal has failed
- Gum disease is damaging the space between tooth roots, and surgery is necessary to prevent further jawbone loss
Tips for a Healthy Recovery from Endodontic Surgery
Your recovery from endodontic surgery will depend in large part on how well you follow your post-operative instructions. To that end, you must:
- Take all medication as prescribed
- Ice the area as prescribed
- Avoid smoking, vaping, dipping, or any form of smokeless tobacco
- Avoid using straws
- Keep the surgical area clean in keeping with your endodontist’s recommendations
- Avoid chewing with the tooth that was treated
- Do not touch the sutures
- Avoid lifting the lips to examine the sutures
- Avoid physical activity for at least 24 hours
- Get plenty of rest
- Avoid brushing or flossing the treated area as advised
- Use all mouth rinses as prescribed
- Avoid hard, crunchy, or chewing foods for the first few days
If at any time during your recovery period, you experience ongoing bleeding or extreme swelling, notify your endodontist immediately.
Schedule Your Endodontic Surgery in Forest Lake, MN
Forest Lake Endodontics is a top endodontic practice serving residents of Forest Lake, Stillwater, Blaine, Maplewood, Woodbury, White Bear Lake, Hugo, and surrounding communities. To book your appointment call 651-464-9888 , or send us a message.